Master In Hadith
Program Description :Put section tracks the master's degree in the interpretation and science Quran: the path of destruction and the path of the message, and this program builds modern science, which take the student keys in the undergraduate, and extends from the Department of Science, which serves modern and Sciences, which works to inform the student of the most important what he does at this stage construction of scientific, cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and informed of the new address was not studied in the undergraduate. And programs in the field of subjects posed; works to establish rules that require the student in many aspects, including one for the modern term, and to judge the narrators and the reports make, and research and investigation. Deals with the sciences are important to the ills of modern and different and his men, and goes on to demonstrate modern methods, and issues of analysis and study of conversations and benefit from, and displays of contemporary topics to talk about the study objective, and the year in Contemporary Studies.
Program Type :Postgraduate
Study Plan :Click Here
Program Department : Foundations of Religion